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🫧Strike a blow for somebody/something

🔸to do something to help achieve a principle or aim.

🔸It’s time we struck a blow for women’s rights.

🫧Hook somebody up with something

🔸 to help someone get something that they need or want.

⚡️ SYN : fix up with

🔸 Do you think you can hook me up with some tickets for tonight?

🔘Broad / Wide 🔘

🫧Both of these words describe something that is large from side to side:
~ A wide/broad river.

🫧When measuring things, we usually use wide:

~The river is 100 feet wide.
~There was a six-inch-wide hole in the wall.

🫧We also have these expressions with broad:

broad shoulders (when a person's shoulders are far apart from each other)
in broad daylight (in the open light of day, clearly visible)
talk or describe something in broad strokes (in a general way, without
giving details)

🫧And we have these expressions with wide:

wide open (with a large opening or vulnerability)
eyes went wide (your eyes became very open)
a wide range of things (a large and varied number)
wide of the mark (when an estimate or guess is not accurate)
far and wide (across a large area)
wide awake (completely awake and thinking clearly; not sleepy/tired at all).

🔘Come back /Go back / Get back 🔘

🫧Typically you say "go back" when talking about a place that is NOT your current 
and you say "come back" when you ARE located at the place/destination.

🫧An example will make it clearer:

I am from the United States, and I am currently living in Brazil. If I plan to move back 
to the U.S., then I would say "I'm going back to the U.S. next month." I say "going 
" because I am currently NOT in the U.S.
But my parents, who are in the U.S., would say "Our daughter is coming back to the 
U.S. next month." They say "coming back" because they ARE currently in the U.S.

You go back to a place where you have traveled to before (but you don't live there). 

~I've been to Germany before - and I'm going back to Germany for another visit next 

You get back to a place where you typically stay / live.

~My husband and I just took a 
3-day trip to another state, and we got back to our city this afternoon..

🫧Here's another example - let's say I went to the store and bought some milk, but
forgot to buy eggs. This means I need to go to the store again. I'd say "I'm going back to the store - I'll get back (home) in about 15 minutes."

🔘Chauffeur / Driver🔘

The word driver is more general – anybody who drives a vehicle is a driver. You are 
a driver when you are driving your car
. Some people work as bus drivers and taxi 
drivers (the
drivers of trains are usually called conductors).

🫧A chauffeur is a person who is employed to drive a car for a private individual.
Rich people 
and celebrities often have chauffeurs so that they do not have to take public
transportation, or drive themselves.

🫧All chauffeurs are also drivers; not all drivers are 
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The opinion polls were hopelessly ...... of the mark.
Anonymous Quiz
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Her eyes opened .......... in horror.
Anonymous Quiz
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This year’s festival includes a ....... range of entertainers.
Anonymous Quiz
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I have been to Brazil before - and I'm .......... for another visit next month.
Anonymous Quiz
coming back
going back
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Not all drivers are chauffeurs.
Anonymous Quiz
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All ........... are also ............
Anonymous Quiz
drivers / chauffeurs
chauffeurs / divers.
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🫧To have a chip on your shoulder

a feeling of anger and resentment because you think that you have been treated unfairly in the past.

🔸Our new developer may have a chip on his shoulder, as he is pulled off the biggest project in the company."


to compete very hard with someone in order to get something.

🍃vie for

🌱Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.

🍃vie with

🌱There are at least twenty restaurants vying with each other for custom.

🍃vie to do something

🌱All the photographers vied to get the best pictures.
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Expressing Desires: Wish vs. Hope 🔮

1. Wish 💫

* Wish + Past Simple: Used for desires about the present or future that aren't in line with reality.
* Example: "I wish I were taller." 😩 (Implies you're not tall)

* Wish + Past Continuous: Expresses a desire to be doing something different now or in the future.
* Example: "I wish I was studying in Paris." 🥐 (Implies you're not studying in Paris)

* Wish + Past Perfect: Used for wishes about the past, expressing regret that things happened differently.
* Example: "I wish I had known about the meeting yesterday" 😞 (but I didn't know).

* Wish + Would: Used to express a desire for someone else to change their behavior in the present or future.
* Example: "I wish you wouldn't smoke so much" 🚭 (but you do smoke a lot).

* Wish + Could: Used to express a wish for ability or possibility in the present or future.
* Example: "I wish I could speak Spanish" 🌮 (but I can't).

* Wish + Infinitive: This is a formal structure, equivalent to "would like."
* Example: "I wish to speak to the manager" 😠 (I would like to speak to the manager).

2. Hope 💗

* Hope for the Present: Use the present simple/continuous.
* "I hope it's not raining." ☔️
* "I hope you're having fun." 🥳

* Hope for the Future
* Use present simple, future simple, "can", or "to + infinitive".
* "I hope it snows tomorrow." ❄️☃️
* "I hope I'll have time to visit soon." ✈️
* "I hope I can join you later." 👍
* "I hope to see you again." 👋

* Hope for the Past
* Outcome Unknown: Use past tenses or present perfect.
* "I hope they made it on time." 🙏
* Outcome Known: Use past tenses.
* "I hoped you'd call." 🥺 (Implies they didn't)

Key Points:

* "Wish" is generally for unlikely or impossible desires, or to express regret.
* "Hope" is for possible and optimistic desires. 💗

2024/04/28 01:27:32
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